Rest room   2016/July/12 [Tue] 20:30

We are going to go to a rest room near by a cave.

It is renewed. It’s more cleaner and bigger.


Shade^_^;   2016/July/12 [Tue] 20:44

Oh, no ! Sun is coming above us and no shade, then only our legs get suntan.So we will go down.



Walking group   2016/July/12 [Tue] 20:48

We return to our hotel by foot.

We are four.

In a flash, we get to a town.

We drop by an ice cream shop and take a break.


We drop into a shop   2016/July/12 [Tue] 20:54

We have an ice cream there. Matsuda san looks satisfied with it.


Something happens during shopping⁉️   2016/July/12 [Tue] 21:01

A sales person got a wrong change, they are checking a video camera.

Onojima san who is giving thanks to the Lord for this.


BITE❗️   2016/July/12 [Tue] 21:10

Mmmm, yammy. I am happy !


Princess Komatsu? Is she praying?   2016/July/12 [Tue] 22:03

20160712-154944.jpg She is T-san who came from Komatsu. She made shade by shawl, and was praying.

For today’s street live concert   2016/July/12 [Tue] 22:21

Prayer time


Street live concert   2016/July/12 [Tue] 22:23

We’ll do street live concert from 5:00 p.m. At first, we have a time of prayer. Matsuda-san is leading.

Prayer meeting♪   2016/July/12 [Tue] 22:31

We have a prayer meeting before street live concert which we will do in this evening!

Nagoya miyu