Outside   2016/July/14 [Thu] 14:33

We are so appreciate that we have wonderful meal.


   2016/July/14 [Thu] 14:34

This is a quiet morning for a tour group left♪

Nagoya miyu

About Mike News Press   2016/July/14 [Thu] 14:40

They become lively about Mikoe News Press.

After we will return to Japan, Hakuba camp is at hand. Don’t forget Guide book!


Fellowship time in the morning   2016/July/14 [Thu] 14:42

They get excited about a guidebook of Hakuba gospel contest.



Morning♪   2016/July/14 [Thu] 14:43

We are enjoying the last breakfast at Paatmos !

Nagoya  miyu

These too   2016/July/14 [Thu] 14:46

We add our supplies and eat, it is delicious breakfast♪
Nagoya miyu

Oh..⁉︎   2016/July/14 [Thu] 14:48

She finished packing her bag, then takes a late breakfast♪

Nagoya  miyu

To prayer   2016/July/14 [Thu] 15:47

Now we are ready !

Nagoya miyu

Here goes..!   2016/July/14 [Thu] 15:52

Walking group starts, Nakamura san is the head of the line !

Nagoya  miyu

The usual place   2016/July/14 [Thu] 15:53

Today also we will go.
