Paper, stone and scissors   2016/September/13 [Tue] 13:04


They are plying the game of ‘paper, stone and scissors with Japanese “Jan Ken Pon”!    Megumi

We go back to our hotel once   2016/September/13 [Tue] 13:06

We go back to our hotel once.

Town   2016/September/13 [Tue] 13:11

I could not see well last night, but I find not much deference around here as it was 20 years ago〜?

Puhaー━━━!   2016/September/13 [Tue] 13:15


She gets undre the water, she looks feeling good.♪

Traffic congestion;   2016/September/13 [Tue] 13:19

I have a feeling that we are going around the same way again and again because of traffic cagestion.

From now   2016/September/13 [Tue] 13:20

we are going out very soon!

Ms. Takahashi   2016/September/13 [Tue] 13:21

Ms. Takahashi was calling Mr. Akimnoto’s room.

From now   2016/September/13 [Tue] 13:22

We start now!

Start   2016/September/13 [Tue] 13:23

We start now!

Nicely   2016/September/13 [Tue] 13:26

Everyone asked me to take a picture, befiore the pool.