Lunch   2016/November/03 [Thu] 21:40

Nishida-san and members of Hokkaido area!
Oh! and Chachi!(^^)

Galilee strait group

Megiddo Worship   2016/November/03 [Thu] 21:42

He was taking videos of the worship.

Special ministry group

Megiddo Prayer   2016/November/03 [Thu] 21:44

After the worship we had a prayer time in each.

Special ministry group

A little while ago…   2016/November/03 [Thu] 21:48

Thank you for your cooperation for taking pictures!
Now, please eat( ˘ᵕ˘ )

Galilee strait group

A little while ago (again)   2016/November/03 [Thu] 21:51

We’re going to head to a hotel!

Galilee strait group

Bathroom break   2016/November/03 [Thu] 21:57

We had a bathroom break at a mall!

Galilee strait group

Mall   2016/November/03 [Thu] 22:00

At the mall!
Everyone looks fun.(..›ᴗ‹..)

Galilee strait group

We leave Megiddo   2016/November/03 [Thu] 22:02

We’ll head to Galilee from now.

Special ministry group

Playback Lunch   2016/November/03 [Thu] 22:04

In Megiddo, we had lunch before the worship.

Special ministry group

Playback Lunch   2016/November/03 [Thu] 22:06

We had delicious lunch.

Special ministry group