Arrival!   2016/November/01 [Tue] 19:13

I was taken to another room at pasport controle, and they asked me many quwstions for an hour. My beard got thic because of that, but I could arrive safely!

Room   2016/November/01 [Tue] 19:15

No one in the room, because everyone went to Mount of Olive.

Nice view   2016/November/01 [Tue] 19:18

Looking at city of Jerusalem…
 Mount Olive group

The first time to join the tour   2016/November/01 [Tue] 19:20

Inamura family also came to this place for the first time!

Cats   2016/November/01 [Tue] 19:22

cats are also taking a walk.コ
 mount of olive Group

Bloger   2016/November/01 [Tue] 19:35

Tow of them wearing beautiful red coat.

Looks good〜   2016/November/01 [Tue] 19:41

This is the steak roasted on hot stone!

Beef group and chicken group   2016/November/01 [Tue] 19:52

Grilled beef and grilled chicken!


Rain   2016/November/01 [Tue] 19:55

it started to rain.
 Mount of Olive group

We change to the van from a bus at Bethlehem   2016/November/01 [Tue] 20:03

Now, we are going to the Church of the Nativity.

Tour group