Street live group Great singer !   2016/March/31 [Thu] 10:50

Also today, Aika chan is going to sing at Hollywood street.(^^)

He is going   2016/March/31 [Thu] 11:00

Kubota san has to go now for the work of Film Mission.( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

Well, is he able to rejoin us before we will finish ?

Street live group Introduction in English   2016/March/31 [Thu] 11:05

Hajime chan introduces themselves in Japanese, then Hisa san translated it in English !

Great( ・̀∀・́ )‼︎

Start   2016/March/31 [Thu] 11:11

Signs and Wonders who upload many blog is praising and full of joy !

Kaze no Hibiki Team (A sound of wind team)   2016/March/31 [Thu] 11:13

A song is Psalm 130♪

Dance !   2016/March/31 [Thu] 11:16

A woman starts to dance and listens to them just as they sang a song, Rival has started !

Hallelujah♪( ´▽`)

Hollywood group L’abeille   2016/March/31 [Thu] 11:19

Mari chan, a crowd of peeple has gathered around you〜〜♬

Ecclesia team   2016/March/31 [Thu] 11:22

A song is ‘Jerusalem’♪

She is singing to the Lord closing her eyes!

Street live group In English   2016/March/31 [Thu] 11:26

They are singing All things work together for our good in English.(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Street live group PEACE   2016/March/31 [Thu] 11:27

Bee chan♪