The first praise   2016/March/29 [Tue] 11:33

With leading of Miyashiro’s team of Okinawa, we give the praise to the Lord.*\(^o^)/*

Testimonyn of Mr. Asano   2016/March/29 [Tue] 11:46

L.A. is so wide.
 But, NY is the center of economy,
 also music, Broad way.
 Everyone please come to NY too.

The first time in ten years   2016/March/29 [Tue] 11:52

This is the first time in ten years!
 He said joined the team with his daughter Yorokobi 10 years ago.☆

Message   2016/March/29 [Tue] 11:57


Message of Pastor Kihara!!
 Lucas 24:44(^^)

Lucas 24:44-53   2016/March/29 [Tue] 12:00

Pastor Kihara is giving a message with smile.

JOY   2016/March/29 [Tue] 12:03

It’s special praise by JOY!!
 JOY sings “Joy” with in Japanese and English.^ – ^

Pastor Nagato, short message   2016/March/29 [Tue] 12:08

Rome 8:28
 About the accident at the arrival to L.A. today.
 It is funny.

Short message   2016/March/29 [Tue] 12:11

Short message of pastor Nagato from Okinawa.(^^)
 Roman 8:28!

Wahaha   2016/March/29 [Tue] 12:16

He is laughing!
 Everyone is laughing!

God’s love to the world   2016/March/29 [Tue] 12:19

 It is different from always.