Lucky   2016/June/14 [Tue] 18:56

We got a seat !!
Many got off a train, so we have a seat !
Yes٩(.› ‹. )۶Thank God☆

Getting off   2016/June/14 [Tue] 18:57

We got off a train !
Everyone is here ?

We go inside   2016/June/14 [Tue] 19:00

We reached a church !
They say this is Hussites church !

Steps   2016/June/14 [Tue] 19:09


We’re gonna down to the subway.

Escalator   2016/June/14 [Tue] 19:10


We’re gonna down down down by the escalator.

Subway   2016/June/14 [Tue] 19:11


We’re catching the subway and getting off to two stops.

Here it comes!   2016/June/14 [Tue] 19:11


We’re taking the train!

Czech   2016/June/14 [Tue] 19:12


Today we took both of bus and train.

Escalator again   2016/June/14 [Tue] 19:13


A loooong escalator!

We’re gonna up!

I’m home   2016/June/14 [Tue] 19:14


We’ve arrived in the hotel.