Same cloth?   2016/October/18 [Tue] 02:52

At the Denver Airport, the weather is good.

We saw him   2016/October/18 [Tue] 03:13

We saw him again. (o^^o)


Denver ☆

Meals   2016/October/18 [Tue] 04:51

This is the restaurant where is located in front of a hotel. This restaurant’s pies are famous.


Our dishes have come   2016/October/18 [Tue] 04:53

They look heavy.


Steak   2016/October/18 [Tue] 04:56


Akimoto-san ordered a steak dish. When he said to a server “rare.”, the server repeatedly said “Rare?”



Taste   2016/October/18 [Tue] 04:58


It’s like the American taste.



Pumpkin pie   2016/October/18 [Tue] 05:01


It’s perfect for four persons.

Arrival at the hotel   2016/October/18 [Tue] 05:03


We have arrived at the hotel.
The wind is suddenly getting intense.



Door   2016/October/18 [Tue] 05:06


We got into trouble for door.
But now we’re ok.
It’s raging outside.

Strong Wind   2016/October/18 [Tue] 05:09


It’s very hard to tell about the strong wind in this photo, but it’s howling outside!