he talked to them   2016/March/30 [Wed] 10:44

This gentleman listened to songs with a relaxing face expression.

He also nodded as he listened.

Hollywood group: We are going to eat   2016/March/30 [Wed] 10:45

We are going to pray and eat!

With thanksgiving, Amen


people from China   2016/March/30 [Wed] 10:46

There is a woman who started dancing.

She gave a camera to her friend and joined us. !

Hollywood Group: Academy Award   2016/March/30 [Wed] 10:50

Let us hear what Mr. Kubota says,
「I would like to receive an Academy Award for Best Picture」


Hollywood Group: Yay!   2016/March/30 [Wed] 10:51

Deborah received 2 dollars !
Great (..›ᴗ‹..)‼︎


hollywood Group: Into a heart of Mickey   2016/March/30 [Wed] 10:56

A conversation between Mickey and Deborah:
M「Your singing was great! 」
D「I am not in voice today.」
M「It does not matter ! You have a good heart」

This is a great thing!

Hollywood Group: Arrived!   2016/March/30 [Wed] 10:58

We arrived at Bonnie Brae House!

Was everyone able to pray a lot 〜?


Bonnie Brae House Group: A bus came !   2016/March/30 [Wed] 10:59

We are going back!


Bonnie Brae House Group   2016/March/30 [Wed] 11:00

Everyone has a great smile.

Is it because they were able to pray or sleep?


Hollywood Group: Wow   2016/March/30 [Wed] 11:04

They are members…. ( ・̀∀・́ )
