Wondering   2016/March/30 [Wed] 11:05

We are having a hard time connecting to Wi-Fi.

Ruth from Mori Family   2016/March/30 [Wed] 11:06

She will be a high school student.
She screamed at Disney Land today.


Playback: Disneyland   2016/March/30 [Wed] 11:09

There are many Disney characters !!!(^O^)

Good !!   2016/March/30 [Wed] 11:10

Finally, I was able to post a blog about Disneyland (*´▽`)

She looks so relieved.

An evening meeting   2016/March/30 [Wed] 11:15

An evening holy meeting on Marth 29th started !

Mr. Miyagi is a chairperson

A time of praise   2016/March/30 [Wed] 11:17

Mr. Kubota and his team will lead a time of praise.

testimony   2016/March/30 [Wed] 11:18

Ms. Sasaki from Los Angeles Church gives a testimony (^^)

Chorus members are young   2016/March/30 [Wed] 11:20

The center is Canan.

We are blessed through the time of praise.


A rainbow between clouds   2016/March/30 [Wed] 11:31

This is Faith san
Just like her name, her tone of voice is very cheerful.


Special Praise time   2016/March/30 [Wed] 11:32

A special praise is sung by Cross Road from Okinawa.

They have great voice 〜(*^^*)