Time of Offering   2016/March/30 [Wed] 12:26

Be in a hurry!

Special music 3   2016/March/30 [Wed] 12:28


La Sousa is going to sing “Jesus”.

Special music by La Spousa   2016/March/30 [Wed] 12:30


There is help when we’re in trouble.


Jesus, our hope and everything
We live filling with Your love.

Praise Worship in the second half   2016/March/30 [Wed] 12:33

There is forgiveness with You…

My soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning.

Revival has come   2016/March/30 [Wed] 12:34


Revival has come with joyful voices in all the world.

In mist of our praises   2016/March/30 [Wed] 12:40

Because God dwells in our praises, I’m moved to tears.

Rome 8:29   2016/March/30 [Wed] 12:42


Akimoto-san delivers a message. I actually feel the Second Coming is at hand!

Sermon   2016/March/30 [Wed] 12:49


Akimoto-san from Tokyo Antioch Church brings God’s word from Rome 8:29.

Anyone   2016/March/30 [Wed] 12:55


God wants anybody to be raptured.

Tomorrow, we’ll have Merlin-san’s memorial gathering.

Opportunity   2016/March/30 [Wed] 13:01


How many countries did I go to for overseas missions? I will go to more nations.