Helper   2016/April/01 [Fri] 11:36


Danken-san has just arrived from San Diego! As soon as she came, she shares her testimony with us.

Testimony   2016/April/01 [Fri] 11:38


Her daughter, Eshurun is waving her hands to her mam.

Eshurun   2016/April/01 [Fri] 11:47


Eshurun got A grade in math even though it seemed difficult. They take a science class and study everyday.

Unbelieverble   2016/April/01 [Fri] 11:50


Even though her mam isn’t with her, she keep sitting quietly. God heals her. It proves her grades.

Exciting   2016/April/01 [Fri] 11:52


We’re exciting because Mr. Steve is coming soon.

Deuteronomy 8:1-2   2016/April/01 [Fri] 11:53


Nagato-san delivers a message from Deuteronomy 8:1-2.

Mr. Steve has come!   2016/April/01 [Fri] 12:14



Steve has come!   2016/April/01 [Fri] 12:16

We wecolme him with capping our hands.

Nice to see you   2016/April/01 [Fri] 12:17

Steve will play today’s showcase on his radio program.

10th anniversary of Japanese and U.S gospel showcase   2016/April/01 [Fri] 12:19

I play this showcase on my radio program. And I’ve come here with my friends.