On the Internet   2016/April/01 [Fri] 12:20


The showcase is streaming on the Internet to all the world.

JOY by GRACIOUS DOORS   2016/April/01 [Fri] 12:25


Megumi greets in English.
The audience mood get softened.

I remember when I met for the first time   2016/April/01 [Fri] 12:32


Really good
You’ve selected a good song.

Departure   2016/April/01 [Fri] 12:34


Mia Rieko from Canada

Good sound   2016/April/01 [Fri] 12:34


Exciting song

Very good

Waw   2016/April/01 [Fri] 12:38


This is my wife.
She said “Your team name was fit to your song. I was given courage.”

Dear my God by Labeiyu   2016/April/01 [Fri] 12:39


Mari sings in Japanese and English.

Peaceful song   2016/April/01 [Fri] 12:42


Your melody line was beautiful.

Good job.

Shout by Splendor   2016/April/01 [Fri] 12:46


Morisan greets with shout!

Huw! Waw!   2016/April/01 [Fri] 12:49


From the end of the moment, each guest shout.