Oh Holy Night by Eshurun   2016/April/01 [Fri] 13:29




One of my favorite singer   2016/April/01 [Fri] 13:31


God is our miracle worker.
I’m proud of you.
Your high tone voice was awesome.
Great, great, great!
Keep up the good work.

God Love to the World by Gifts   2016/April/01 [Fri] 13:35


Erisa is their pianist today.
Three members

Harmony well done and sound wonderful   2016/April/01 [Fri] 13:37


Great harmony
Definitely harmony
Working together
Suites are awesome

Jerusalem by La Spousa   2016/April/01 [Fri] 13:44

Samu is a guitarist and Mari is a pianist.
First They sing in English and then in Japanese.

Amen Amen   2016/April/01 [Fri] 13:45


They’re touched by the Jerusalem’s praise.

I love this group   2016/April/01 [Fri] 13:47


Actually, I’m playing this song in my radio station for three months. You should make the sound track for a move.

At All Times by Shion   2016/April/01 [Fri] 13:53

I’m always with you.
Even though you walk on a deep valley, you’ll never be alone.

Ruth, her younger sister plays the piano.

Sisters   2016/April/01 [Fri] 13:55

Very well done!
Piano skill was good.
My heart got warmed.

Oceans by Naomi   2016/April/01 [Fri] 14:01


Sam and Naomi, they work together.