Gathering   2016/June/17 [Fri] 11:11

It is now time !
Mrs. Sanae is a chairwoman and the gathering began!

praise time   2016/June/17 [Fri] 11:13

Ms. Suzuya and the team leads the time time of praise.

Together   2016/June/17 [Fri] 11:14

People in Poland are praising God together !

A short message   2016/June/17 [Fri] 11:15

Mr.Malek gives a message in Polish !

特別賛美   2016/June/17 [Fri] 11:16

Mrs. Sally is singing a special song
「Misobani」(Being with you)

Special music   2016/June/17 [Fri] 11:17

Special music by “Signs And Wonders”
“Revival Has Begun”

Praising God in English   2016/June/17 [Fri] 11:19

Akimoto-san led praise worship.

We sung in English together.

Message   2016/June/17 [Fri] 11:19

He brings God’s word from James 1:2-4.

Polish people   2016/June/17 [Fri] 11:20

Everyone has listened to the message attentively.

A team member   2016/June/17 [Fri] 11:22

Among those who are earnestly listened to the message,

there is a Japanese person ??!