Yay♡   2016/June/17 [Fri] 11:59

With Noemi (..›ᴗ‹..)

Together   2016/June/17 [Fri] 11:59

With Mr. Ivan(^^)

Souvenir   2016/June/17 [Fri] 12:01

We give Mr. Jacek a Japanese souvenir.


Souvenir   2016/June/17 [Fri] 12:02

There is a souvenir from Mr. Jacek.


   2016/June/17 [Fri] 12:03

They made us cakes♡

Thank you   2016/June/17 [Fri] 12:03

Thank you very much for today 〜

To hotel   2016/June/17 [Fri] 12:04

We are going back to the hotel on foot!

It was delicious 〜   2016/June/17 [Fri] 12:05

Everyone, thank you very much(^-^)/

We are thankful\(^o^)/   2016/June/17 [Fri] 12:06

We checked tomorrow’s schedule, prayed and dismissed !

Early morning prayer   2016/June/17 [Fri] 13:06


Good morning!
Early morning prayer has begun.