Are you ready?   2016/June/14 [Tue] 21:58


Are you ready?

Overseas   2016/June/14 [Tue] 21:59


She debuts as orchestra in overseas.

It’ll start soon   2016/June/14 [Tue] 22:01


We’ve started with prayer.

Let’s get started   2016/June/14 [Tue] 22:01


Ivan, Pavel and Sally will perform first!

As soon as   2016/June/14 [Tue] 22:03


A lady is taking a video as soon as starting.

Sings and Wonders   2016/June/15 [Wed] 08:00

Sings and Wonders

Revival Has Come   2016/June/15 [Wed] 08:01


Everybody sings together.

Czech   2016/June/15 [Wed] 08:03


Sally sings the song too!

Video   2016/June/15 [Wed] 08:05


John takes our video.

Everybody   2016/June/15 [Wed] 08:07


Everybody sings “Yorokobinouta.”