Checkout   2016/June/16 [Thu] 17:06

We are gathering at a lobby and  checking out !

At a lobby   2016/June/16 [Thu] 17:07

Good morning !おはようございます!
Yama-chan is also here~(^-^)/

With a hotelman !   2016/June/16 [Thu] 17:09

Thank you for everything!
See you~!

Sally san   2016/June/16 [Thu] 17:10

Today, Sally san is wearing her glasses !

With family   2016/June/16 [Thu] 17:12

The Sally san family go to Poland with us !

Marec san   2016/June/16 [Thu] 17:14

Marec saaan(^^)

Bus   2016/June/16 [Thu] 17:16

We are waiting for a bus!
We heard that Poland is hotter than Czech!?

Noemi♡   2016/June/16 [Thu] 17:18

Noemi chan, how are your legs ?
She is shy(.›ᴗ‹.)

Let’s go !   2016/June/16 [Thu] 17:19

A bus is coming !
Let’s go !(^-^)/

Ahoy   2016/June/16 [Thu] 17:21

Ivan also goes to Poland !
Wow( ᐛ )و