Bellboy   2016/June/16 [Thu] 17:24

A bellboy is loading our luggage on a minivan !

A guide   2016/June/16 [Thu] 17:26

Yama chan is going to guide for us !
She is a professional (^-^)/

The airport!   2016/June/16 [Thu] 17:28

I can see a letter of PRAHA^O^)

See you later   2016/June/16 [Thu] 18:30

Sally san and other members’ flight is ahead of us, so they are leaving early to Poland !

See you later~(^-^)/

Aisle seat   2016/June/16 [Thu] 18:32

All of us got the aisle seats(^-^)/
Praise the Lord!

Bye~   2016/June/16 [Thu] 18:33

Thank you for everything!
See you again٩(.› ‹. )۶

Walk a short distance   2016/June/16 [Thu] 18:36

Passing through the security check, we are going to the gate( ง ˙o˙ )ว

PAUL   2016/June/16 [Thu] 18:46

I heard that this bakery  is good(•^_^•)

Check!   2016/June/16 [Thu] 18:47

We check our gate, then we have free time until boarding time(.›ᴗ‹.)

Again~   2016/June/16 [Thu] 18:54

We met Sally san again\(^o^)/