Ahoy~Ahoy|~   2016/June/16 [Thu] 18:57

Ivan san and Marec san are there(^^)
I talk them with a word, ahoy only, for I don’t know other Czech language !

Croissant sandwich   2016/June/16 [Thu] 18:58

This bread is so tasty~.

Noemi♡   2016/June/16 [Thu] 18:59

With Noemi♡
We Take a pic saying Ahoy~(^^)v

Yes!   2016/June/16 [Thu] 19:02

Lots of cold veggies in this sandwich 〜(•^_^•)

Flight time   2016/June/16 [Thu] 19:44

We heard that our flight is delayed. Praise the Lord!

Thank God !!   2016/June/16 [Thu] 19:48

Our flight is delayed. We hope we will fly to Poland as soon as possible~

Departure time   2016/June/16 [Thu] 19:51

Our flight will leave 35 minutes behind time !

Praise the Lord !!

Let’s go !   2016/June/16 [Thu] 19:52

Boarding has started !

Bus   2016/June/16 [Thu] 20:31

We go to the airplane by bus!

Propeller   2016/June/16 [Thu] 20:37

After all!

We seem to ride on this small airplane.(.› ‹. )